Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Luxe Real Estate, It’s All About the Views!

CNBC | By Dolly Lenz | 1/21/14
Move over location, location, location. If you’re like most super rich male clients, it’s all about that WOW factor; and nothing says WOW more than spectacular views. Especially the ones from $80 million penthouses and the status symbol these homes command. I’m not referring to nice open vistas, I mean sensational views of Central Park or take-your-breath-away views where you can see at least five zip codes, and the horizon!
Image source: Evan Joseph Images
Men are extremely visual and nothing seals the deal faster for them than panoramic views. It’s not only that they will pay a premium for a great view. Everything else being equal, the view will close that deal.
Women on the other hand are “nesters” and are much more particular about the functionality of a home. They focus more on the interior layout and space flow. They care about a large eat-in kitchen, location of the bedrooms, en-suite baths, walk-in closets and large entertaining spaces. Men are less focused on layouts and flowing spaces. They do like big rooms and high ceilings, but it’s the view that gets them every time.
How much more are men willing to pay to get the view of their dreams? The premium can be as much as 100 percent. Super rich couples have an interesting dynamic when it comes to paying more for those views. Invariably, the husband is more than willing to pay the hefty premium for that view, while the wife, often the more practical one, would rather go for the big discount on a comparable home with a lesser view. Then the battle begins.
What would I recommend? Since the most important attribute for me when buying real estate is resale potential, and homes offering lesser views can take up to two years longer to sell than comparable homes with views, I’d pay extra to get those views, but I’d negotiate aggressively to get that premium down to size.

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